Everything You Want to Know About Pregnancy Do’s and Don’ts – Hydration and Vitamins
At New Jersey Perinatal Associates, we know that pregnancy, although exciting, can also be a confusing time. Making the right choices for you and your baby during these few months is easier when you have advice from a trusted professional, like one of our perinatologists in NJ at NJPA. We want to help you stay healthy and comfortable throughout your pregnancy, while ensuring that your baby gets all the nourishment they need for a successful birth. It is crucial to be informed about the vitamins you should be taking during pregnancy, and to stay very hydrated throughout this time as well. Dr. Dziadosz is happy to provide tips for vitamin consumption and hydration during pregnancy – keep reading to learn more!
What Vitamins Should I Take During Pregnancy?
First of all, vitamins do NOT replace a healthy diet. So In an ideal world, you may not need these vitamins. But we do not all eat in a perfect manner! Therefore, I recommend that every woman who may become pregnant or is pregnant take a daily prenatal vitamin.
They are called ‘prenatal’ vitamins because there are some specific components that other women’s vitamins may not have. For example: iron is important for oxygen delivery to the baby, folic acid is needed for the neural system to develop normally, Omega-3-fatty acids are important for brain development, and B6 can help with nausea.
The type and brand you take may not matter too much, though of course we all have our favorites! I recommend looking for iron 27mg, folic acid 400-600mcg, calcium 150mg, vitamin D3 400IU, B6 2mg, Iodine 150mcg, and DHA.
Sometimes it is impossible to take prenatal vitamins in the first trimester due to severe nausea and vomiting. Here are a few tips:
- Take your vitamin right before bedtime, as you may be able to then sleep through the nausea
- Try gummies. Gummy vitamins are often very tasty, almost like candy; they often have more added sugars, which is not ideal for all patients, and tend to NOT contain any iron.
If you are truly unable to stomach the vitamins, do not worry, and start to take them again when you are able. Now you cannot take too much of most vitamins, as your body will naturally get rid of the extra in your urine. However, you can have too much Vitamin A, so be careful with that one!
Eating well is of the utmost importance during your pregnancy. Take your vitamins, but above all, just do the best you can Momma!
How Much Water Should I Drink During Pregnancy?
Please please please. Pretty please! Drink a lot of water. I know you already feel like you have to pee every few minutes. The benefits of water intake are huge! You should drink 64-96 ounces per day. How much IS THAT?
I would love it if you drank between 1.5 to 3 Liters per day! Or, 3-6 standard water bottles per day. You may need less early on, but in the third trimester, try to drink more. Water will help you digest your food, keep the water around the baby plentiful, digest nutrients, and will help prevent constipation.
Drink everything else – in moderation. Except for alcohol and soda; don’t have those at all.
Can I Have Caffeine During Pregnancy?
One of my personal peeves is when I hear a pregnant woman ordering a coffee be chastised by a nosey patron or by the barista! “Don’t you know you shouldn’t have coffee while you’re pregnant?” they explain. “You will hurt your baby!” FALSE. Low to moderate caffeine intake does not cause any harm during pregnancy. In fact, not until you consume 10 cups of coffee per day does the data show a higher risk of miscarriage. My advice, avoid the withdrawal headaches, and enjoy your morning cup of Joe.
About Dr. Dziadosz – High-Risk Pregnancy Care in NJ at NJPA
Dr. Dziadosz is one of our Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialists at New Jersey Perinatal Associates. She has been a valued member of our team since 2016, and has a tireless passion for Maternal-Fetal Medicine because of the relationships she develops with her patients. As a recent mother herself, she feels a strong connection with her patients and is able to empathize with them on a genuine and unique level. Those seeking high-risk pregnancy care in NJ can trust NJPA for a wide variety of pregnancy care services, including prenatal diagnosis, care for medical complications of pregnancy, care for pregnancy-related complications, and preconception counseling. We see patients at our high-risk pregnancy centers in Livingston, Belleville, Warren, Westfield, Teaneck, Paramus, and Parsippany, and we want to help you enjoy this special time in your life. To learn more or to schedule an appointment at the location nearest you, please contact NJPA today.