Announcing Your High-Risk Pregnancy
Announcing your pregnancy is such an exciting moment. Families become excited at the thought of a new member, friends are thrilled, and you are more than ready to welcome your bundle of joy into the world. However, during a high-risk pregnancy many couples experience feeling of uncertainty when it comes to announcing their pregnancy. Here are some tips on how to deal:
Tips to Announce High-Risk Pregnancy
DO: Follow What Feels Right
Most importantly, you need to announce a high-risk pregnancy when it feels right for you. Every woman has a different experience with her pregnancy, high-risk or not, so do not let other’s dictate when you are “allowed” to share the news. If you are excited and ready to spill- then go for it! If you want to wait a little longer, that’s totally fine too. Do what feels right for your individual pregnancy.
DON’T: Feel Like You Have To Tell Everyone
Just because you tell your parents doesn’t mean you have to announce it to every family member and friend! Sometimes, women in high-risk pregnancies like to keep the news between the people closest to them- especially if they have had complications in the past. The feeling of announcing a pregnancy, just to “un-tell” is extremely difficult. It is perfectly normal to want to keep the news to yourself or a couple people until you are further along- or even in labor! Again, this goes back to doing what you are most comfortable with.
DO: Lean On Your Family & Friends
Announcing a high-risk pregnancy does have some perks- you gain access to a great support system. If your family and friends don’t know you are pregnant, they can’t support you in the way you may emotionally need. When you open up and explain the news- and whatever details you are comfortable with, these people will be with you through the thick and thin of your pregnancy.
DO: Ask Your Doctor
Your OBGYN and high-risk pregnancy specialist will be able to provide you with the information you need on your health and fetal development. This information can help you determine when you are ready to announce your pregnancy. Ask your doctor when they feel it would be appropriate- perhaps it is when you hit a certain timeline or the fetus has a new development.
High-Risk Pregnancy in NJ
Announcing a high-risk pregnancy is difficult for some expecting mothers, while others treat it the same as any other pregnancy. Remember that you are all unique, with different risks and histories, and that it is okay to do what feels right for your specific circumstance and personality. At NJPA, we are here to help you through your high-risk pregnancy so that we can provide you with the best possible outcomes for your situation. Contact us today if you have any questions or would like a consultation with New Jersey Perinatal Associates.